To help the process of weight loss, calorie intake is certainly not recommended to be consumed excessively. Calories still be balanced. Well, the unknown portion of fresh cut watermelon contains about 80 calories.
Known also serving contains about 21 grams of carbohydrates, 30 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin A, 25 percent of the vitamin C, as well as 8 percent of potassium. These nutrients make watermelon into one ideal piece to help you lose weight.
"Watermelon also has a low energy density, which means that it has a small amount of calories in large portions. Food with a low energy density is very useful for weight loss because they make full without adding too many calories," says nutrition expert Jillian Michael.
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Followed by Jillian, one of the reasons watermelon has a low energy density is because it has a high water content. This can help you stay hydrated.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, which is owned by watermelon antioxidants can also increase the body's natural immune system function and reduce the risk of heart disease. When consumed as part of a balanced diet, watermelon and other fruits can reduce the risk of stroke, kidney stones, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer.
Meanwhile, according to the lecturer at the Polytechnic of Jakarta Health Nutrition II, Rita Ramayulis, DCN, Kes, watermelon can help weight loss programs because it can be consumed at any time, especially when feeling hungry or if you just eat a diet that is not balanced. A serving dish full of watermelon contains a very low energy density, which is 0.27.
"The combination of water and sugar based on the results of studies in composition good. Giving feel full longer, but the energy density is low. This combination makes him last longer in the stomach and provide satiety. So great for people who want to lose weight so as not hooked to overeat, "said Rita to marcaspedorras.blogspot.com some time ago.
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